Dressed in steel redefining the shapes of newly imported parts, the VW Bus SoundFloor is an innovative upcycled exclusive project that adds functionality and an eccentric look. Using individual graphic finishes and the installation of two10 inch woofer speakers, two power bass tweeters, and 2 specifics crossovers, the digital amplifier provides 300 watts really clear and deep, is connected by Bluetooth, USB,AUX, moreover there is a double access to plug 2 microphones with dedicated regulations. Remote Controlled. The VW Bus Soundfloor becomes a beautiful interior Sound Dock remote controlled and connected via Bluetooth with any device. As a result of the radial shape of the front shell, the speakers sound comes out covering 160 degrees angle, the sound is strong and clear provided by 10 inches carbon fiber woofers combined with professional tweeters and specific crossovers. The stereo system delivers a maximum power of continuos 150watts by channel. The VW Bus SoundFloor is available in different colors, symbols and many high resolution customized graphics realized by us.This model is available in DJ Set Edition, is wheeled to be easily moved from the wall, the top padded in Alcantara is wider and deeper, the back has two large shelves for equipments.

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